Miley Cyrus – SHE DID WHAT?
Yup, that was the first words out of my mouth when my husband told me Miley Cyrus shaved her head. I was shocked, intrigued, and I guess a little sad, sad because she has always had such beautiful hair.
Any of us who have children, have watched this young lady grow up right in front of our eyes on the Disney Channel as Hannah Montana, that crazy fun young girl full of spirit, life and mischief. Since the age of 12 when she first entered our living rooms we have all loved her and enjoyed watching our children look up to her and be inspired by her.
Though we all knew it was coming, it was very sad to see her leave her role as Hannah last year in 2011, and I will be the first to admit, though my child is now 19 (same age as Miley) we all watched the final episode, and yes even shed a few tears. But it was expected, she was now 19, Hannah had to graduate and continue on with new adventures in her life, just like Miley had to do. She would move on, keep her Southern values and become a well-known Music Star. (Or so that is what we all wanted hoped.)
Next thing we know pictures are surfacing of once innocent Miley smoking out of a bong, very odd pictures of her and her father are all over the news, and she is engaged to be married? Is this the next childhood star going down the wrong path? Is she making the right choices or just a typical teenager trying to find their way in this world? I do not think any of us can say we have always made the right decisions in life can we?
Life is all about making mistakes and learning from them.
Am I disappointed she shaved her head and bleached it? I guess not so much disappointed as concerned for her. Worried there is a little girl who lost her childhood and right now is doing everything she can to find out exactly who she is and where she wants to go in her life, for seven years, from the age of 12 to 19 she has had to be the Disney Good Girl, I think she deserves the chance to spread her wings and fly and find out who she really wants to be in life.
So as a Mother, I may not agree with the skimpy outfits, the tattoos and radical changes, but as a Mother of a 19-year-old, and being a teenage girl at one point myself, I do understand, I will try to not judge, and I will wish her all the success in finding what she is looking for in life <3
~ Micki S.
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